Session: 113. Sickle Cell Disease, Sickle Cell Trait and Other Hemoglobinopathies, Excluding Thalassemias: Basic and Translational: Poster III
Hematology Disease Topics & Pathways:
Sickle Cell Disease, Hemoglobinopathies, Diseases
Materials and Methods:
Till date the study enrolled 140 sickle cell anemia patients (2-14 years) after informed consent. Patients were randomly assigned to either low (ARM 1: 10 mg/kg/day) or standard (ARM 2: 20 mg/kg/day) doses of hydroxyurea. 37 patients had been followed up for 6 months’ time point of hydroxyurea therapy. Three ml of whole blood samples were collected in K2-EDTA tube, anthropometric details and clinical parameters of patients were studied.
Results: 18 participants were allotted ARM 1 with a mean age of 8.9 ± 2.8 years and 19 were allotted ARM 2 with a mean age of 8.6 ± 2.5 years. All patients were followed upto 6 months after hydroxyurea treatment. The clinical severity was classified as class 1 and class II based on the clinical events of patients. It was found that 26 patients are classified under the class I category of severity while 10 patients classified under the class II category of severity. 6(60%) participants with baseline HbF level below 15% had Class II severity whereas 3(11.5%) participants with baseline HbF level of more than 15% had Class II severity.
The effect of hydroxyurea dose on haematological indices was also studied which revealed that there was significant decrease in WBC, platelet count by 2.18 ± 2.24 103/µl, 24 ± 136.6 103/µl in ARM 1 compared to ARM II 4.08 ± 2.6 103/µl, 50 ± 127.39 103/µl. A rise in hemoglobin level by 0.18 ± 0.71 gm/dl in ARM I, 0.71 ± 0.77 gm/dl in ARM II and MCV by 3.29 ± 2.61 fl in ARM1, 5.28 ± 3.57 fl in ARM II. The difference was found statistically significant in both the ARMS. (P<0.001). The RBC count in patients did not show a significant elevation in both the ARMS. The absolute neutrophil count in patients were significantly reduced in ARM II by 2874 ± 1748 per µl compared to 1963 ± 1748 per µl in ARM I. Two patients in ARM II showed a reduced ANC level below 1000 thus, hydroxyurea therapy among those two patients was stopped and resumed after a week. Interestingly the rise in HbF was significantly higher in ARM II by 4.81 ± 2.71 % compared to 1.55 ± 2.32 % in ARM I. The critical clinical events such as VOC, Stroke, ACS was not observed in patients at baseline and after 6 months of HU follow up.
Conclusion: The study demonstrated that hydroxyurea treatment in sickle cell anemia patients led to a significant increase in HbF levels in ARM II compared to ARM I. Haematological parameters like WBC Count, platelets, ANC was significantly lower in ARM II with 2(10.5%) of patients in ARM II having ANC below 1000 warranting close monitoring during treatment. Furthermore, the absence of critical clinical events during the 6-month follow-up period suggests the potential benefits of hydroxyurea therapy in managing sickle cell anemia in both ARMS with a long term follow up providing more accurate results to arrive at conclusion.
Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.