Session: 636. Myelodysplastic Syndromes – Basic and Translational: Poster I
Hematology Disease Topics & Pathways:
Biological therapies, Combination therapy, Chronic Myeloid Malignancies, CMML, Diseases, Therapies, Immunotherapy, Myeloid Malignancies
Methods: PREACH-M is a Phase 2/3 non-randomized, open-label trial in 72 subjects, aged at least 18 years, with newly diagnosed CMML based on the WHO 2016 criteria; and RAS-pathway mutations at a variant allele frequency ≥3%. Subjects received 24 cycles (every 28 days) of AZA (SC; 75 mg/m2 for 7 days) and LENZ (IV; 552 mg; d1 & d15 of cycle 1 and d1 only for all subsequent cycles). Subjects without RAS-pathway mutations received the same AZA regimen and sodium ascorbate (IV; 30g for 7 days (15g for 1st dose only; 30g thereafter if no evidence of tumor lysis syndrome); PO; 1.1g on all other days). Cytokine profiling from bone marrow plasma was performed after 4,7,12 and 24 months using Milliplex Human Cytokine/Chemokine Magnetic bead panel and compared with 24 age-matched healthy subjects. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering with Ward’s method sought distinct CMML patterns based on cytokine expression. C-reactive protein (CRP) was determined from blood samples using a routine assay. Variant allele frequencies were determined from bone marrow mononuclear cells using a 41-myeloid panel using Illumina Hi-Seq with a depth of 1000x.
Results: As of July 2023, 15 subjects were enrolled in the LENZ/AZA arm (8 females, 7 males with mean age 69; mean white cell count, 21x109/L; mean Hb, 121 g/L, mean platelet count; 74x109/L, mean blast count, 10.1%). CRP decreased from a median of 5.6 at baseline to 2.1 mg/L after 6 months of LENZ/AZA (P=0.02). GM-CSF and other pro-inflammatory cytokines were increased in CMML bone marrow plasma compared with healthy subjects. Hierarchical clustering of all subjects revealed 2 patterns of CMML, distinct from healthy subjects. Cluster “INNATE-1” was comprised of medium increases in inflammatory cytokines associated with innate immune response and M1 macrophage activation (IFN-g, IL-1b, TNFa, IL-12p70, IL-12p40, IL-17, Fractalkine, MCP-3). Cluster “INNATE-2” was associated with extreme increases of these cytokines. The mean pro-inflammatory innate immune score (sum of z-scores) was 20-fold greater in INNATE-2 compared with INNATE-1 (P=0.055). Somatic mutations SRSF2, WT1, PHF6 were enriched in INNATE-2. All patients (5/5) in INNATE-1 showed 100% response (CR or optimal marrow response resulting in <5% blasts) to AZA/LENZ. Two subjects (2/6) in INNATE-2 demonstrated partial responses or haematological improvement thus far.
Conclusion: CMML is a disorder of profound innate immune activation, driven by GM-CSF and other pro-inflammatory cytokines. Early treatment with LENZ/AZA, a precision immunotherapeutic approach, leads to a) efficacy in INNATE-1 that exceeds historical CR rates for hypomethylating agents1,2; and b) evolving efficacy in INNATE-2, in which pro-inflammatory activity is more robust.
- Xu Y, Guo R, Miao M, Zhang G, Lan J, Jin J. Real-world data on efficacy and safety of azacitidine therapy in chronic myelomonocytic leukemia in China: results from a multicenter, retrospective study. Invest New Drugs 2022;40(5):1117-1124. DOI: 10.1007/s10637-022-01283-x.
- Zheng X, Lv L, Li X, Jiang E. Efficacy and Safety of Hypomethylating Agents in Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia: A Single-Arm Meta-analysis. Glob Med Genet 2022;9(2):141-151. DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1744157.

Disclosures: Yong: Novartis: Honoraria, Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees, Research Funding; Celgene: Research Funding; BMS: Honoraria, Research Funding. Fong: AbbVie, Astellas, RACE oncology, Jazz, Pfizer, Otsuka, Servier: Honoraria; AbbVie, Pfizer, Servier: Speakers Bureau. Yeung: Novartis: Honoraria, Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees, Research Funding; BMS: Research Funding; Takeda: Honoraria, Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees; Amgen: Honoraria, Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees, Research Funding; Pfizer: Honoraria, Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees. Hughes: Bristol Myers Squibb: Consultancy, Research Funding; Novartis: Consultancy, Honoraria, Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees, Research Funding; Takeda: Consultancy, Honoraria, Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees; Terns Pharma: Consultancy, Honoraria, Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees, Research Funding; Enliven: Consultancy, Honoraria, Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees.
OffLabel Disclosure: Lenzilumab is a humanised IgG1 monoclonal antibody that neutalises granulocyte macrophage colony formation. This drug is being used for the treatment of CMML.
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