Symposia: Scientific Workshop on Mitochondria and Metabolism in Blood Cancer - From Discovery to Patients
Scientific Workshops
Room 2
(San Diego Convention Center)
Sarah Skuli, MD, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
This session will discuss clinical trials with drugs targeting mitochondrial pathways and metabolism. These talks will focus on early phase clinical trials with single agents and drug combinations. We will also show how results from patients with solid tumors can be extrapolated to blood cancer. Talks will include discussions of clinical efficacy, safety, and lab-based correlative studies. We will consider opportunities for new clinical investigation. This session will feature clinician scientists and clinician investigators.
Attendees of the 2023 workshop positively noted that the workshop spanned the spectrum of blood cancer as findings in one disease site could provide insights into other blood cancers. To expand the multidisciplinary nature of the workshop, we will include a speaker who will discuss results from a clinical trial of a metabolism-targeted drug in solid tumors. This talk is particulary important as ONC201 is currently in registration phase trials for pediatric patients with a rare brain tumor subtype. As such, it will help address a key question in the field and raised at the 2023 workshop as to whether there is a therapeutic window to target mitochondrial pathways
In addition, we will feature a new investigator to ensure we provide a platform for new investigators to present their work. Highlighting new investigators was also considered a strenght of our 2023 meeting.
Sarah Skuli, MD, PhD
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Marina Konopleva, MD
Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, MA
Kathleen M. Sakamoto, MD, PhD
Stanford University, Stanford, CA