Call for Abstracts
66th ASH Annual Meeting
- Letter From ASH Secretary
- Eligibility
- Responsibilities
- Technical Requirements
- Before you Begin
- Submission Process
- FAQs
Dear abstract authors,
We are very pleased you are interested in submitting your research abstract to the 2024 American Society of Hematology meeting -- the premier global meeting in hematology -- being held in San Diego, California, December 7 - 10, 2024. Before you begin the process, I would like to highlight several changes in our abstract format and in abstract categories and give you more information regarding requirements for presentation of abstracts at the annual meeting. Your close attention is necessary to give your abstract the best chance for inclusion in the annual meeting as an oral session presentation or poster.
- Abstracts will be limited to 3,800 characters to be accommodated on our digital platform.
- In contrast to previous years, figures and tables are not permitted.
Please carefully review all category descriptions before selecting a category for your abstract. Categories are updated every year to respond to submission trends and to encompass new topics. This year, updates have been made to multiple category descriptions with significant changes including the renumbering of categories (particularly those in the 600 and 900 groupings), discontinuation of two categories (731. Autologous Transplantation, and 705. Cellular Immunotherapies: Commercial and Late Stage), addition of several new categories (909. Education, Communication, and Workforce, 628. Aggressive Lymphomas: Cellular Therapies, and 655. Multiple Myeloma: Cellular therapies), and splitting of several categories (including several in thrombosis and homeostasis, clinical lymphomas, and health services, quality improvement and outcomes research).
ASH reserves the right to move your abstract to a more appropriate category if misplacement is noted by the Secretary during abstract processing; however, correct categorization at the time of submission is the author's responsibility and will ensure the highest quality review process.
The 66th ASH Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH) will be held Saturday, December 7, through Tuesday, December 10, 2024, in San Diego, California. The meeting will be in person, with a virtual attendance option, however, presenting authors are expected to be on-site San Diego. If the first author is unable to attend in person, another abstract author able to attend in person may be substituted as the presenter. We realize decisions about attendance may not be feasible before the abstract submission deadline and we will accommodate changes as necessary. ASH is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all attendees and continually monitors the state of the COVID-19 pandemic. We encourage you to monitor this page to stay abreast of any updates to the health and safety information for the 66th ASH Annual Meeting in San Diego, California.
- Poster presenters will be required to submit pre-recorded presentations and PDFs of their posters by November 12th.
- ASH reminds authors that the last date to withdraw abstracts from the annual meeting is September 18, 2024.
The link to our submission process is provided here for ease of access. Please reference the Call for Abstracts page and Author Reference Guide for further details. For questions about the abstract submission process, contact
We look forward seeing you in San Diego and hearing about your current research in hematology!
Cynthia Dunbar, MD
ASH Secretary
Please Note: - Poster images and pre-recorded presentations for abstracts selected for poster presentation are required by November 12th.
Poster presentations will consist of 3-5 minute recordings accompanying a slide deck. Posters submitted before the November 12th deadline will be printed and hung in the poster hall for those attending in-person, and the poster images and presentations will also be available on the virtual platform.
Failure to submit a poster image by the deadline means the presenting author is responsible for printing and bringing the poster to hang at the annual meeting, and the poster will be marked as “unavailable” on the virtual platform.
To submit an abstract, the following criteria must be met
- At least one of the authors must be an ASH member, who has paid the current membership dues.
If none of the abstract authors is an ASH member, the abstract must be sponsored by a current ASH member or it will not be reviewed. ASH members are urged to use their judgment in restricting sponsorship to a reasonable number of abstracts, keeping in mind that they are endorsing the authenticity and quality of each abstract that they sponsor.
- The content of the abstract must fit into one of the ASH 2024 Abstract Review Categories.
- In contrast to past years, oral abstract and poster presentations will no longer be contained within the ACCME-accredited portion of the annual meeting. Therefore, presenting authors are no longer subject to ACCME restrictions, and can be employees of publicly-traded or privately-held healthcare companies or owners of privately-held entities. All relevant conflicts of interest must be disclosed, and data presented fairly and transparently.
Any of the following criteria will make an abstract ineligible for presentation at the ASH annual meeting
- Data from peer-reviewed content publicly available via major search engines (such as PubMed, Google Scholar, etc.,)
- Data are accepted for journal publication before the abstract submission closing date.
- Data have been or are to be presented at a meeting of 3,000 or more participants before the 2024 ASH Annual Meeting.
- Data are to be presented at an ASH Friday Satellite Symposium, scheduled for December 6, 2024.
Updated analyses of work previously presented at ASH or other meetings of more than 3,000 participants will be considered only if the abstract is a significant extension of previously presented work. The author must provide an explanation documenting the significant new information, and failure to disclose prior presentation may result in rejection of the abstract.
Responsibilities of the Presenting Author
- Once an abstract is accepted, the presenting author is the sole contact for all correspondence regarding the abstract, unless otherwise specified under the “Contact Information” section of the online abstract submission system.
- The presenting author must be one of the co-authors listed on the submitted abstract.
- In contrast to past years, oral abstract and poster presentations will no longer be contained in the ACCME-accredited portion of the annual meeting. Therefore, presenting authors are no longer subject to ACCME restrictions, and can be employees of publicly-traded or privately-held healthcare companies or owners of privately-held entities. All relevant conflicts of interest must be disclosed, and data presented fairly and transparently.
Presenting authors of abstracts accepted for oral or poster presentation must attend the 2024 Annual Meeting in person in San Diego. The presenter can be changed on the Author(s) step of the submission process up until the August 1, 11:59 PM Pacific time deadline. After this deadline, if a presenting author is unable to attend or needs to be replaced by a co-author who can attend the meeting in person, please notify immediately.
- The presenting author is responsible for the following:
- Ensuring that all authors have read the abstract and agreed to be co-authors. Failure to get approval from all authors will result in rejection of the abstract.
- Notifying all co-authors of any additions, deletions, and changes to the program, as may be communicated by ASH.
- Ensuring all co-authors provide conflict-of-interest disclosures and copyright transfer information.
- Forwarding all correspondence from ASH to all co-authors, including the ASH policies and guidelines, and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) Standards for Commercial Support for Continuing Medical Education (CME).
Technical Requirements
The electronic submission system is compatible with PC Windows and Apple computers and with most browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Netscape.
Before you Begin
Have the following information available:
Abstract Information
- Review Category (see list)
- Title
- Keywords
- Abstract Text
Person Information
For each author listed on the abstract
- Name
- Affiliation
- E-mail Address - this should match the e-mail on file in ASH's membership database (if applicable)
- Alternate E-mail Address (optional)
- Conflict-of-Interest Disclosure Information - for each author listed
- Mailing Address
Once you have submitted the title of the abstract, a draft of your abstract will be saved, and you will be able to return to the site to edit and update the submission at any time until August 1, 2024, at 11:59 PM, Pacific time. You will receive an e-mail providing a link to your submission.
Please proof your co-authors' information carefully. Absoutely no changes, including the spelling of authors' names, nor the order of co-authors, can be made after the submission deadline.
Payment Information
- There is a nonrefundable handling fee of $85 charged with abstract submission.
- Credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, and American Express
- It is not a requirement that payment be made by an author listed on the abstract. However, you should have the appropriate payment information - name on the credit card, the card number and expiration date - in hand before you begin submitting.
Submission Process
- ASH is using Single Sign-on Authentication for abstract submission. Before submitting, you will be asked to sign into ASH. In order to maintain access to the submission, your login email will be automatically populated in the Submitter Email field in Step 2. Presenting authors and all co-authors will also have access to the submission, but as in years past, will need to be provided with the link or ID/Password to login.
- The abstract submission process is a step-by-step process - you will not be able to advance to the next step until you have completed the requirements on the current step.
- DO NOT use your browser's Back button while submitting. Use the links in the left frame (Abstract Control Panel) of the submission page.
- You can access any completed step at any time during the process, even after concluding your submission. Abstracts can be edited or withdrawn at any time before the deadline.
- It is not necessary to complete the submission process in one session. After you submit the title of your abstract you will receive an e-mail with a link back to your submission. You may also find a listing of all your submissions from the 'View, Resume, Edit or Withdraw a Submission' area of the CFP above.
Helpful Hints
Figures and Tables are not permitted. However, if your abstract is selected for oral or poster presentation, you may include figures and tables in your presentation materials.
- Mac users are encouraged to use Mozilla Firefox to submit their abstracts.
- For authors who are ASH members the e-mail address on file with ASH should be used. If that e-mail address is no longer their preferred address, the current preferred e-mail should be updated with the ASH membership department FIRST.
- When adding authors to the abstract, you will be able to search the ASH membership database. Be sure to always use a matching result, even if some of the contact information displayed is out of date. You will be given the opportunity to update it after selecting it. Do not enter a person from scratch if they already exist in the database.
- Please note in order for affiliations to be grouped properly, you must enter the exact same information for the Affiliation, Department, City, and Country fields. If the information in one of these fields deviates from other people that should be grouped together under one affiliation, there will be a new affiliation listed and it would therefore not group with others that you had intended.
For example: If you list one person's department as "Department of Hematology" and another person's department as "Hematology", these will not group properly. They must be the same, like "Department of Hematology".
Please consider the following before submitting your abstract to the ASH Annual Meeting:
Q: What is the submission deadline for the abstracts?
A: The deadline for all abstracts is at 11:59 p.m. PDT. You may make changes to your abstract up until this deadline, however, absolutely no changes (including to the author list) can be made after this deadline.
Q: What if I am not able to submit my abstract at this time?
A: ASH allows for the submission of late-breaking abstracts, covering ground-breaking reserach results that were not available by the regular submission deadline. Please note that only six late-breaking abstracts will be accepted for presentation, regardless of how many are submitted. Late-breaking abstracts may be submitted between October 16 and October 28.
Q: How much is the abstract submission fee?
A: A: The submission fee is $85 for abstracts Abstract payment does NOT include registration to the Annual Meeting.
Q: Once I start or complete a submission, will I be able to make changes?
A: A: Yes, you may save a partial submission in the system to complete later or go back and modify anything in your submission up until the submission deadline, August 1, 2024, at 11:59 PM Pacific time. Absolutely no changes may be made after this deadline, including to author lists.
Q: Will ASH be accepting late-breaking abstracts?
A: A: Yes, recognizing that the results of timely top-quality research may not be available by the general abstract submission deadline, the ASH Program Committee offers an option for late-breaking abstracts. This round of submissions is highly competitive, an average of six abstracts are selected for presentation. Late-breaking submissions will open on October 16 and close on October 28 at 11:59 PM Pacific time. The submission fee is $125. Abstract payment does NOT include registration to the Annual Meeting.
Q: Can I still submit an abstract if I presented it at another scientific meeting or submitted it to a journal?
A: Any of the following criteria will make an abstract ineligible for presentation at the ASH annual meeting:
- Data from peer-reviewed content publicly available via major search engines (such as PubMed, Google Scholar, etc.),
- Data are accepted for journal publication before the ASH abstract submission closing date, August 1, 2024. Any abstract submission accepted for publication before August 1, 2024, must be withdrawn.
- Data have been or are to be presented at a meeting of 3,000 or more participants before the 2024 ASH annual meeting.
- Data are to be presented at an ASH Friday Satellite Symposium, scheduled for December 6, 2024.
*Updated analyses of work previously presented at other ASH or professional/scientific meetings of more than 3,000 participants will be considered only if the abstract is a significant extension of previously published or presented work. The author must provide an explanation documenting the significant new information during submission.
Q: How long can the abstracts be?
A: The abstracts are limited to a maximum of 3,800 characters.
Q: May I include tables in my abstract?
A: No, tables are not permitted in abstracts. However, if your abstract is accepted for oral or poster presentation, you may include tables in your presentation materials.
Q: May I include figures in my abstract?
A: No, figures are not permitted in abstracts. However, if your abstract is accepted for presentation, you may include figures or images in your poster and/or oral presentation.
Q: How many abstracts can a single author submit?
A: There is no set limit as to the number of abstracts a single author can submit.
Q: Is there a limit on the number of authors that can be listed on a submission?
A: No, there is no limit on the number of authors per abstract.
Q: Do all authors on an abstract have to submit their Conflict-of-Interest disclosures to ASH? How should they do that?
A: Yes, the submitting author must manually enter disclosure information for all authors into the online abstract submission form. Authors must disclose their relationships, regardless of their relevance to an abstract. If an author's COI disclosure form populates with information already supplied, we strongly urge you to use this existing information for that person. If you are aware of a relationship that should be added to that disclosure, you may do so, and the update will be applied to all of that individual's disclosures for the entire meeting.
Please do NOT delete any existing disclosure information if you are not the person in question. You can use this sample form to collect disclosure information from your coauthors. (Please note that this form should NOT be sent to ASH; you are responsible for entering the information on the form into the online abstract submission system for every author.)
Q: My co-authors and I are employed by a privately-held healthcare company. Can we submit an abstract?
A: Yes. Oral abstract and poster presentations are not a part of the ACCME-accredited portion of the annual meeting. Therefore, presenting authors are not subject to ACCME restrictions, and can be employees of publicly- traded or privately-held healthcare companies or owners of privately-held entities. All relevant conflicts of interest must be disclosed, and data presented fairly and transparently.
Q: Is there a limit to the number of abstracts an ASH Member can sponsor?
A: No, ASH members are not limited in the number of abstracts they can sponsor.
Q: What if I need to withdraw my abstract?
A: Authors can withdraw a submission via the submission system any time before the August 1, 2024, 11:59 PM Pacific time deadline. From August 2 through September 18, 2024, requests for withdrawal must be submitted in writing, by the Presenting Author to Abstracts cannot be withdrawn after the withdrawal deadline of September 18, 2024; abstracts accepted for presentation will appear in all meeting publications and the abstracts issue of Blood.
Q: What if I need to make a correction to my abstract?
A: You may make corrections up until the submission deadline, August 1, 2024, 11:59 PM Pacific time. If you submit before the deadline, you will be able to make edits until the submission window closes. To ensure the integrity of the review process, corrections to abstracts will not be allowed after the abstract submission deadline. This includes corrections to author names and order of authors.
Q: When will I know if my abstract has been accepted?
A: The presenting author will be notified no later than September 27, 2024.
Q: When will my accepted abstract be published?
A: Accepted abstracts will be made available online on November 5, 2024, on the ASH annual meeting Program Web site. They will also be published in a mid-November supplemental issue of Blood.
Q: Can an administrator submit on behalf of authors?
(i.e., the submitter is not listed as an author in the system, only using their account to submit on behalf of the authors they are assisting)
A: Yes, this is very common. However, only the submitter can access the submission (SSO enforces this), and if the abstract is accepted, all subsequent notifications and correspondence will be addressed to the presenting author.
Q: Does ASH accept clinical case study abstracts?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I submit a Trial in Progress abstract?
A: Yes, during submission, you will submit the abstract to the appropriate review category, then you will have the opportunity to designate your submission as a “trial in progress.” Abstracts submitted as trials in progress CANNOT contain any clinical or clinical endpoint data and will only be considered for a poster presentation.
Q: Do I transfer copyright to my abstract and poster/slides to ASH?
A: Authors assign copyright of the abstract to ASH upon submission, unless one of the authors is a U.S. Federal employee (in such case, ASH does not hold copyright). This means that the identical abstract may not be republished or submitted to another meeting. Materials presented at the ASH Annual Meeting or requested for submission by ASH in conjunction with the annual meeting such as PowerPoint Slides and Posters are the intellectual property of individual presenters or entities other than ASH, however upon acceptance for presentation, the author(s) grant ASH the exclusive, world-wide right to license such materials. The full copyright and re-use policy, including rights granted to authors, can be found at
Q: Is my submission subject to embargo? If so, when does the embargo lift?
A: Yes, abstracts submitted to ASH are embargoed from the time of submission. This means that the data in the abstract cannot be published in a journal once submitted for the ASH annual meeting until the meeting has concluded.
The information contained in all abstracts selected for plenary, oral, and poster presentations as well as for online-only publication is embargoed until abstracts are posted online on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, at 9:00 AM Eastern time (late-breaking abstracts are embargoed until they are posted online on Monday, November 25, 2024, at 9:00 AM Eastern time). At these times, the embargo will lift on the data within the abstract, including the abstract title, presentation date and time, and authors.
Information that goes beyond that which is contained within the “four corners” of the abstract as posted online and online-only abstracts are embargoed as follows (full details can be found on the Annual Meetings Embargo Policy webpage):
Oral Presentations: The embargo lifts at the start time of the session in which the presentation is being made, or the beginning of the ASH press briefing containing the research, whichever comes first.
Poster Presentations: The embargo lifts when the poster session containing the poster opens for viewing in the morning (i.e. when the poster hall opens that day at 9:00 AM Pacific time), or at the beginning of the ASH press briefing containing the research, whichever comes first.
Online-Only Abstracts: The embargo lifts when the abstract is first made publicly available online the week of the annual meeting. These abstracts are not presented at the annual meeting.
- Letter From ASH Secretary
- Eligibility
- Responsibilities
- Technical Requirements
- Before you Begin
- Submission Process
- FAQs
Dear abstract authors,
We are very pleased you are interested in submitting your research abstract to the 2024 American Society of Hematology meeting -- the premier global meeting in hematology -- being held in San Diego, California, December 7 - 10, 2024. Before you begin the process, I would like to highlight several changes in our abstract format and in abstract categories and give you more information regarding requirements for presentation of abstracts at the annual meeting. Your close attention is necessary to give your abstract the best chance for inclusion in the annual meeting as an oral session presentation or poster.
- Abstracts will be limited to 3,800 characters to be accommodated on our digital platform.
- In contrast to previous years, figures and tables are not permitted.
Please carefully review all category descriptions before selecting a category for your abstract. Categories are updated every year to respond to submission trends and to encompass new topics. This year, updates have been made to multiple category descriptions with significant changes including the renumbering of categories (particularly those in the 600 and 900 groupings), discontinuation of two categories (731. Autologous Transplantation, and 705. Cellular Immunotherapies: Commercial and Late Stage), addition of several new categories (909. Education, Communication, and Workforce, 628. Aggressive Lymphomas: Cellular Therapies, and 655. Multiple Myeloma: Cellular therapies), and splitting of several categories (including several in thrombosis and homeostasis, clinical lymphomas, and health services, quality improvement and outcomes research).
ASH reserves the right to move your abstract to a more appropriate category if misplacement is noted by the Secretary during abstract processing; however, correct categorization at the time of submission is the author's responsibility and will ensure the highest quality review process.
The 66th ASH Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH) will be held Saturday, December 7, through Tuesday, December 10, 2024, in San Diego, California. The meeting will be in person, with a virtual attendance option, however, presenting authors are expected to be on-site San Diego. If the first author is unable to attend in person, another abstract author able to attend in person may be substituted as the presenter. We realize decisions about attendance may not be feasible before the abstract submission deadline and we will accommodate changes as necessary. ASH is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all attendees and continually monitors the state of the COVID-19 pandemic. We encourage you to monitor this page to stay abreast of any updates to the health and safety information for the 66th ASH Annual Meeting in San Diego, California.
- Poster presenters will be required to submit pre-recorded presentations and PDFs of their posters by November 12th.
- ASH reminds authors that the last date to withdraw abstracts from the annual meeting is September 18, 2024.
The link to our submission process is provided here for ease of access. Please reference the Call for Abstracts page and Author Reference Guide for further details. For questions about the abstract submission process, contact
We look forward seeing you in San Diego and hearing about your current research in hematology!
Cynthia Dunbar, MD
ASH Secretary
Please Note: - Poster images and pre-recorded presentations for abstracts selected for poster presentation are required by November 12th.
Poster presentations will consist of 3-5 minute recordings accompanying a slide deck. Posters submitted before the November 12th deadline will be printed and hung in the poster hall for those attending in-person, and the poster images and presentations will also be available on the virtual platform.
Failure to submit a poster image by the deadline means the presenting author is responsible for printing and bringing the poster to hang at the annual meeting, and the poster will be marked as “unavailable” on the virtual platform.
To submit an abstract, the following criteria must be met
- At least one of the authors must be an ASH member, who has paid the current membership dues.
If none of the abstract authors is an ASH member, the abstract must be sponsored by a current ASH member or it will not be reviewed. ASH members are urged to use their judgment in restricting sponsorship to a reasonable number of abstracts, keeping in mind that they are endorsing the authenticity and quality of each abstract that they sponsor.
- The content of the abstract must fit into one of the ASH 2024 Abstract Review Categories.
- In contrast to past years, oral abstract and poster presentations will no longer be contained within the ACCME-accredited portion of the annual meeting. Therefore, presenting authors are no longer subject to ACCME restrictions, and can be employees of publicly-traded or privately-held healthcare companies or owners of privately-held entities. All relevant conflicts of interest must be disclosed, and data presented fairly and transparently.
Any of the following criteria will make an abstract ineligible for presentation at the ASH annual meeting
- Data from peer-reviewed content publicly available via major search engines (such as PubMed, Google Scholar, etc.,)
- Data are accepted for journal publication before the abstract submission closing date.
- Data have been or are to be presented at a meeting of 3,000 or more participants before the 2024 ASH Annual Meeting.
- Data are to be presented at an ASH Friday Satellite Symposium, scheduled for December 6, 2024.
Updated analyses of work previously presented at ASH or other meetings of more than 3,000 participants will be considered only if the abstract is a significant extension of previously presented work. The author must provide an explanation documenting the significant new information, and failure to disclose prior presentation may result in rejection of the abstract.
Responsibilities of the Presenting Author
- Once an abstract is accepted, the presenting author is the sole contact for all correspondence regarding the abstract, unless otherwise specified under the “Contact Information” section of the online abstract submission system.
- The presenting author must be one of the co-authors listed on the submitted abstract.
- In contrast to past years, oral abstract and poster presentations will no longer be contained in the ACCME-accredited portion of the annual meeting. Therefore, presenting authors are no longer subject to ACCME restrictions, and can be employees of publicly-traded or privately-held healthcare companies or owners of privately-held entities. All relevant conflicts of interest must be disclosed, and data presented fairly and transparently.
Presenting authors of abstracts accepted for oral or poster presentation must attend the 2024 Annual Meeting in person in San Diego. The presenter can be changed on the Author(s) step of the submission process up until the August 1, 11:59 PM Pacific time deadline. After this deadline, if a presenting author is unable to attend or needs to be replaced by a co-author who can attend the meeting in person, please notify immediately. - The presenting author is responsible for the following:
- Ensuring that all authors have read the abstract and agreed to be co-authors. Failure to get approval from all authors will result in rejection of the abstract.
- Notifying all co-authors of any additions, deletions, and changes to the program, as may be communicated by ASH.
- Ensuring all co-authors provide conflict-of-interest disclosures and copyright transfer information.
- Forwarding all correspondence from ASH to all co-authors, including the ASH policies and guidelines, and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) Standards for Commercial Support for Continuing Medical Education (CME).
Technical Requirements
The electronic submission system is compatible with PC Windows and Apple computers and with most browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Netscape.
Before you Begin
Have the following information available:
Abstract Information
- Review Category (see list)
- Title
- Keywords
- Abstract Text
Person Information
For each author listed on the abstract
- Name
- Affiliation
- E-mail Address - this should match the e-mail on file in ASH's membership database (if applicable)
- Alternate E-mail Address (optional)
- Conflict-of-Interest Disclosure Information - for each author listed
- Mailing Address
Once you have submitted the title of the abstract, a draft of your abstract will be saved, and you will be able to return to the site to edit and update the submission at any time until August 1, 2024, at 11:59 PM, Pacific time. You will receive an e-mail providing a link to your submission.
Please proof your co-authors' information carefully. Absoutely no changes, including the spelling of authors' names, nor the order of co-authors, can be made after the submission deadline.
Payment Information
- There is a nonrefundable handling fee of $85 charged with abstract submission.
- Credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, and American Express
- It is not a requirement that payment be made by an author listed on the abstract. However, you should have the appropriate payment information - name on the credit card, the card number and expiration date - in hand before you begin submitting.
Submission Process
- ASH is using Single Sign-on Authentication for abstract submission. Before submitting, you will be asked to sign into ASH. In order to maintain access to the submission, your login email will be automatically populated in the Submitter Email field in Step 2. Presenting authors and all co-authors will also have access to the submission, but as in years past, will need to be provided with the link or ID/Password to login.
- The abstract submission process is a step-by-step process - you will not be able to advance to the next step until you have completed the requirements on the current step.
- DO NOT use your browser's Back button while submitting. Use the links in the left frame (Abstract Control Panel) of the submission page.
- You can access any completed step at any time during the process, even after concluding your submission. Abstracts can be edited or withdrawn at any time before the deadline.
- It is not necessary to complete the submission process in one session. After you submit the title of your abstract you will receive an e-mail with a link back to your submission. You may also find a listing of all your submissions from the 'View, Resume, Edit or Withdraw a Submission' area of the CFP above.
Helpful Hints
Figures and Tables are not permitted. However, if your abstract is selected for oral or poster presentation, you may include figures and tables in your presentation materials.
- Mac users are encouraged to use Mozilla Firefox to submit their abstracts.
- For authors who are ASH members the e-mail address on file with ASH should be used. If that e-mail address is no longer their preferred address, the current preferred e-mail should be updated with the ASH membership department FIRST.
- When adding authors to the abstract, you will be able to search the ASH membership database. Be sure to always use a matching result, even if some of the contact information displayed is out of date. You will be given the opportunity to update it after selecting it. Do not enter a person from scratch if they already exist in the database.
- Please note in order for affiliations to be grouped properly, you must enter the exact same information for the Affiliation, Department, City, and Country fields. If the information in one of these fields deviates from other people that should be grouped together under one affiliation, there will be a new affiliation listed and it would therefore not group with others that you had intended.
For example: If you list one person's department as "Department of Hematology" and another person's department as "Hematology", these will not group properly. They must be the same, like "Department of Hematology".
Please consider the following before submitting your abstract to the ASH Annual Meeting:
Q: What is the submission deadline for the abstracts?
A: The deadline for all abstracts is at 11:59 p.m. PDT. You may make changes to your abstract up until this deadline, however, absolutely no changes (including to the author list) can be made after this deadline.
Q: What if I am not able to submit my abstract at this time?
A: ASH allows for the submission of late-breaking abstracts, covering ground-breaking reserach results that were not available by the regular submission deadline. Please note that only six late-breaking abstracts will be accepted for presentation, regardless of how many are submitted. Late-breaking abstracts may be submitted between October 16 and October 28.
Q: How much is the abstract submission fee?
A: A: The submission fee is $85 for abstracts Abstract payment does NOT include registration to the Annual Meeting.
Q: Once I start or complete a submission, will I be able to make changes?
A: A: Yes, you may save a partial submission in the system to complete later or go back and modify anything in your submission up until the submission deadline, August 1, 2024, at 11:59 PM Pacific time. Absolutely no changes may be made after this deadline, including to author lists.
Q: Will ASH be accepting late-breaking abstracts?
A: A: Yes, recognizing that the results of timely top-quality research may not be available by the general abstract submission deadline, the ASH Program Committee offers an option for late-breaking abstracts. This round of submissions is highly competitive, an average of six abstracts are selected for presentation. Late-breaking submissions will open on October 16 and close on October 28 at 11:59 PM Pacific time. The submission fee is $125. Abstract payment does NOT include registration to the Annual Meeting.
Q: Can I still submit an abstract if I presented it at another scientific meeting or submitted it to a journal?
A: Any of the following criteria will make an abstract ineligible for presentation at the ASH annual meeting:
- Data from peer-reviewed content publicly available via major search engines (such as PubMed, Google Scholar, etc.),
- Data are accepted for journal publication before the ASH abstract submission closing date, August 1, 2024. Any abstract submission accepted for publication before August 1, 2024, must be withdrawn.
- Data have been or are to be presented at a meeting of 3,000 or more participants before the 2024 ASH annual meeting.
- Data are to be presented at an ASH Friday Satellite Symposium, scheduled for December 6, 2024.
*Updated analyses of work previously presented at other ASH or professional/scientific meetings of more than 3,000 participants will be considered only if the abstract is a significant extension of previously published or presented work. The author must provide an explanation documenting the significant new information during submission.
Q: How long can the abstracts be?
A: The abstracts are limited to a maximum of 3,800 characters.
Q: May I include tables in my abstract?
A: No, tables are not permitted in abstracts. However, if your abstract is accepted for oral or poster presentation, you may include tables in your presentation materials.
Q: May I include figures in my abstract?
A: No, figures are not permitted in abstracts. However, if your abstract is accepted for presentation, you may include figures or images in your poster and/or oral presentation.
Q: How many abstracts can a single author submit?
A: There is no set limit as to the number of abstracts a single author can submit.
Q: Is there a limit on the number of authors that can be listed on a submission?
A: No, there is no limit on the number of authors per abstract.
Q: Do all authors on an abstract have to submit their Conflict-of-Interest disclosures to ASH? How should they do that?
A: Yes, the submitting author must manually enter disclosure information for all authors into the online abstract submission form. Authors must disclose their relationships, regardless of their relevance to an abstract. If an author's COI disclosure form populates with information already supplied, we strongly urge you to use this existing information for that person. If you are aware of a relationship that should be added to that disclosure, you may do so, and the update will be applied to all of that individual's disclosures for the entire meeting.
Please do NOT delete any existing disclosure information if you are not the person in question. You can use this sample form to collect disclosure information from your coauthors. (Please note that this form should NOT be sent to ASH; you are responsible for entering the information on the form into the online abstract submission system for every author.)
Q: My co-authors and I are employed by a privately-held healthcare company. Can we submit an abstract?
A: Yes. Oral abstract and poster presentations are not a part of the ACCME-accredited portion of the annual meeting. Therefore, presenting authors are not subject to ACCME restrictions, and can be employees of publicly- traded or privately-held healthcare companies or owners of privately-held entities. All relevant conflicts of interest must be disclosed, and data presented fairly and transparently.
Q: Is there a limit to the number of abstracts an ASH Member can sponsor?
A: No, ASH members are not limited in the number of abstracts they can sponsor.
Q: What if I need to withdraw my abstract?
A: Authors can withdraw a submission via the submission system any time before the August 1, 2024, 11:59 PM Pacific time deadline. From August 2 through September 18, 2024, requests for withdrawal must be submitted in writing, by the Presenting Author to Abstracts cannot be withdrawn after the withdrawal deadline of September 18, 2024; abstracts accepted for presentation will appear in all meeting publications and the abstracts issue of Blood.
Q: What if I need to make a correction to my abstract?
A: You may make corrections up until the submission deadline, August 1, 2024, 11:59 PM Pacific time. If you submit before the deadline, you will be able to make edits until the submission window closes. To ensure the integrity of the review process, corrections to abstracts will not be allowed after the abstract submission deadline. This includes corrections to author names and order of authors.
Q: When will I know if my abstract has been accepted?
A: The presenting author will be notified no later than September 27, 2024.
Q: When will my accepted abstract be published?
A: Accepted abstracts will be made available online on November 5, 2024, on the ASH annual meeting Program Web site. They will also be published in a mid-November supplemental issue of Blood.
Q: Can an administrator submit on behalf of authors?
(i.e., the submitter is not listed as an author in the system, only using their account to submit on behalf of the authors they are assisting)
A: Yes, this is very common. However, only the submitter can access the submission (SSO enforces this), and if the abstract is accepted, all subsequent notifications and correspondence will be addressed to the presenting author.
Q: Does ASH accept clinical case study abstracts?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I submit a Trial in Progress abstract?
A: Yes, during submission, you will submit the abstract to the appropriate review category, then you will have the opportunity to designate your submission as a “trial in progress.” Abstracts submitted as trials in progress CANNOT contain any clinical or clinical endpoint data and will only be considered for a poster presentation.
Q: Do I transfer copyright to my abstract and poster/slides to ASH?
A: Authors assign copyright of the abstract to ASH upon submission, unless one of the authors is a U.S. Federal employee (in such case, ASH does not hold copyright). This means that the identical abstract may not be republished or submitted to another meeting. Materials presented at the ASH Annual Meeting or requested for submission by ASH in conjunction with the annual meeting such as PowerPoint Slides and Posters are the intellectual property of individual presenters or entities other than ASH, however upon acceptance for presentation, the author(s) grant ASH the exclusive, world-wide right to license such materials. The full copyright and re-use policy, including rights granted to authors, can be found at
Q: Is my submission subject to embargo? If so, when does the embargo lift?
A: Yes, abstracts submitted to ASH are embargoed from the time of submission. This means that the data in the abstract cannot be published in a journal once submitted for the ASH annual meeting until the meeting has concluded.
The information contained in all abstracts selected for plenary, oral, and poster presentations as well as for online-only publication is embargoed until abstracts are posted online on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, at 9:00 AM Eastern time (late-breaking abstracts are embargoed until they are posted online on Monday, November 25, 2024, at 9:00 AM Eastern time). At these times, the embargo will lift on the data within the abstract, including the abstract title, presentation date and time, and authors.
Information that goes beyond that which is contained within the “four corners” of the abstract as posted online and online-only abstracts are embargoed as follows (full details can be found on the Annual Meetings Embargo Policy webpage):
Oral Presentations: The embargo lifts at the start time of the session in which the presentation is being made, or the beginning of the ASH press briefing containing the research, whichever comes first.
Poster Presentations: The embargo lifts when the poster session containing the poster opens for viewing in the morning (i.e. when the poster hall opens that day at 9:00 AM Pacific time), or at the beginning of the ASH press briefing containing the research, whichever comes first.
Online-Only Abstracts: The embargo lifts when the abstract is first made publicly available online the week of the annual meeting. These abstracts are not presented at the annual meeting.