ASH Call for Abstracts

Late-Breaking Abstract Submission for the 55th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition, December 7-10, 2013, New Orleans, LA

Abstract Submission Deadline:
All submissions, including processed payments, must be completed by this time:

October 29, 2013 11:59pm (PDT)

Use the links on the left to navigate this page or access further information on the ASH Web site. Complete call for abstracts information can be found on the ASH site (accessed via the "Abstracts Information" link to the left).


To submit an abstract, the following criteria must be met:

  • Late-breaking abstracts should highlight novel and substantive studies of high impact. The late-breaking abstract deadline is not intended to be merely an extension of the general submission deadline and will focus on capturing abstracts with ground-breaking and novel data that otherwise could not be presented at the annual meeting.
  • The selection process will be highly competitive; no more than six abstracts will be selected for an oral presentation in a late-breaking abstracts session on Tuesday morning of the ASH annual meeting.
  • Examples of suitable late-breaking abstracts might include the results of a practice-changing prospective clinical trial or the discovery of a mechanism underlying or characterizing a disease process (such as the JAK2 mutation in myeloproliferative disorders), which were not fully available by the general abstract submission deadline.
  • Late-breaking abstracts are not eligible for oral or poster presentation in the regular ASH annual meeting abstract program. Late-breaking abstracts will not be chosen from among the abstracts submitted by the general submission deadline, but all other ASH policies stated in the general submission abstracts will still apply.
  • The accepted late-breaking abstracts will be published online. Due to time constraints, they will not be part of the Blood abstracts on USB.
  • At least one of the authors must be an ASH member, who has paid the current membership dues. If none of the abstract authors is an ASH member, the abstract must be sponsored by a current ASH member or it will not be reviewed. ASH members are urged to use their judgment in restricting sponsorship to a reasonable number of abstracts, keeping in mind that they are endorsing the authenticity and quality of each abstract that they sponsor.
  • Research and/or studies must fit into one of the ASH 2013 Abstract Review Categories.
  • The authors must request Special Consideration if the abstract is a minor extension of published work or if the author has a reason to believe that the data will be published, either online or in print, or presented prior to the ASH annual meeting.

    Any of the following criteria will make an abstract ineligible for presentation at the ASH annual meeting:

    • Data are publicly available via major search engines (such as PubMed, Google Scholar, etc.);
    • Data are accepted for publication before the abstract submission closing date;
    • Data have been or are to be presented at a meeting of 1,000 or more participants before the ASH annual meeting;
    • Data are to be presented at an ASH Friday Satellite Symposium.

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Responsibilities of the Presenting Author

  • The first author listed for each abstract serves as the presenting author and as the primary contact for all correspondence regarding the abstract, unless otherwise specified under the "Contact Information" section of the online abstract submission system.
  • The presenting author must be one of the co-authors listed on the submitted abstract.
  • The presenting author is responsible for the following:
    • Ensuring that all authors have read the abstract and agreed to be co-authors. Failure to get approval from all authors will result in rejection of the abstract.
    • Notifying all co-authors of any additions, deletions, and changes to the program, as may be communicated by ASH.
    • Obtaining all the conflict of interest disclosure and copyright transfer information from co-authors.
    • Forwarding all correspondence to all co-authors, including the ASH policies and guidelines, and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) Standards for Commercial Support for Continuing Medical Education (CME).

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Technical Requirements

The electronic submission system is compatible with PC Windows and Apple computers and with most browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Netscape. However, Mac users are encouraged to use Mozilla Firefox.

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Before you begin

Have the following information available:

Abstract Information

  • Review Category (see list)
  • Title
  • Keywords
  • Abstract Text

Person Information

For each author listed on the abstract

  • Name
  • Affiliation
  • E-mail Address - this should match the e-mail on file in ASH's membership database (if applicable)
  • Alternate E-mail Address (optional)
  • Conflict-of-Interest Disclosure Information - for each author listed
  • Mailing Address

Payment Information

  • There is a nonrefundable handling fee of $60 charged with abstract submission.
  • Credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, and American Express
  • It is not a requirement that payment be made by an author listed on the abstract. However, you should have the appropriate payment information - name on the credit card, the card number and expiration date - in hand before you begin submitting.

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Submission Process

  • The abstract submission process is a step-by-step process - you will not be able to advance to the next step until you have completed the requirements on the current step.
  • DO NOT use your browser's Back button while submitting. Use the links in the left frame (Abstract Control Panel) of the submission page.
  • You can access any completed step at any time during the process, even after concluding your submission. Abstracts can be edited or withdrawn at any time before the deadline.
  • It is not necessary to complete the submission process in one session. After you submit the title of your abstract you will receive an e-mail with a link back to your submission.
  • Make note of your ID and Password - you can use it to log in below.

Helpful Hints

  • Mac users are encouraged to use Mozilla Firefox to submit their abstracts.
  • For authors who are ASH members the e-mail address on file with ASH should be used. If that e-mail address is no longer their preferred address, the current preferred e-mail should be updated with the ASH membership department FIRST.
  • When adding authors to the abstract, you will be able to search the ASH membership database. Be sure to always use a matching result, even if some of the contact information displayed is out of date. You will be given the opportunity to update it after selecting it. Do not enter a person from scratch if they already exist in the database.
  • Please note in order for affiliations to be grouped properly, you must enter the exact same information for the Affiliation, Department, City, and Country fields. If the information in one of these fields deviates from other people that should be grouped togehter under one affiliation, there will be a new affiliation listed and it would therefore not group with others that you had inteded.

    For example: If you list one person's department as "Department of Hematology" and another person's department as "Hematology", these will not group properly. They must be the same, like "Department of Hematology".

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Please consider the following before submitting your abstract to the ASH Annual Meeting:

  • Q: What is the submission deadline for the late-breaking abstracts?
    A: The deadline for all late-breaking abstracts is October 29th, 2013 at 11:59 p.m. PDT. Submissions that are incomplete at this time will be rejected without review.
  • Q: Can I still submit a late-breaking abstract if I presented it at another scientific meeting or submitted it to a journal?
    A: Any of the following criteria will make a late-breaking abstract ineligible for presentation at the ASH annual meeting:
    • Data are publicly available via major search engines (such as PubMed, Google Scholar, etc.);
    • Data are accepted for publication before the abstract submission closing date;
    • Data have been or are to be presented at a meeting of 1,000 or more participants before the ASH annual meeting;
    • Data are to be presented at an ASH Friday Satellite Symposium.
    The author may request special consideration if the abstract contains significant new information.
  • Q: How long can the abstracts be?
    A: The abstracts are limited to a maximum of 3,800 characters. Note that this character count does not include spaces but does include the space allocated to tables. Figures are not included in the character count.
  • Q: If I have images in my abstract, what resolution should my images be?
    A: We require a minimum of 300 dpi for all uploaded images. This will insure proper resolution for display.
  • Q: How many abstracts can a single author submit?
    A: There is no set limit as to the number of abstracts a single author can submit.
  • Q: How many authors can contribute to a single abstract?
    A: There is no set limit to the number of authors who can contribute to a single abstract.
  • Q: Do all authors on an abstract have to submit their Conflict-of-Interest disclosures to ASH? How should they do that?
    A: The submitting author must manually enter disclosure information for all authors into the online abstract submission form. You may wish to use this sample form to collect disclosure information from your coauthors. (Please note that this form should NOT be sent to ASH; you are responsible for entering the information on the form into the online abstract submission system for every author.)
  • Q: When will I know if my late-breaking abstract has been accepted?
    A: You will be notified by November 12. Please note that the Late-Breaking abstracts will not be included in the Blood abstracts on USB, but they will be published online with general submission abstracts as part of the online annual meeting program after November 18, as well as posted on the Blood Abstracts site in a permanent archive.

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Click below to start your submission

All submissions, including processed payments, must be completed by this time:
11:59pm PDT, October 29, 2013
(06:59 GMT, October 30, 2013)

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Submission ID#

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